MARIA BAMFORD-“Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome”

I don’t usually review stand-up CDs on this site, but I’m making an exception for Maria Bamford‘s Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome, to be released on Comedy Central Records on Tuesday, April 21. I first saw her on The Comedians of Comedy, one of the best shows you’ve never even heard of, and fell in love. She’s hysterically funny, in an Emo Phillips/Andy Kaufman way–quiet, low key, and strange but real. I’m sure she’d hate seeing herself being described that way, too. So rather than try to describe her act, I’ll throw some quotes at you and offer one clip.

  • “I would do anything for love . . . Except a work-related even of more than five hours in month because that’s ridiculous! I don’t know those people! I’m an introvert!”
  • “I could be a nurse, y’know, ‘Do you want me to hose that off?'”
  • “I’m trying to be a good person. Anybody here using canvas bags instead of plastic? . . . I’m not even using bags, man, ’cause I learned to juggle. I can only shop in groups of three . . .”

Bamford is much better seen-while-listened-to, too, and fortunately there’s a DVD included!

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